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61100 La Lande-Patry, France



Adresse postale:

Aéroclub de Basse Normandie
Aérodrome de Flers
BP382 – La Lande Patry


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    1 Commentaire

      • Kevin Riley MBE sur 29 octobre 2018 à 16 h 22 min
      • Répondre

      Bonjour, my name is Kevin Riley and I coordinate for Cornwall Flying Club (EGLA), to carry out trips both at home and France.

      Please advise if it would be possible to fly in approximately 6 aircraft to visit your airfield and stay a few days.

      We would look to arriving around 04 June 2019 and staying three nights, I understand you have no customs, so my plan would be to clear Customs in Cherbourg first, then fly on to your airfield.

      Any advice on car hire and hotels would be appreciated if we are permitted to stay.

      Following our short stay then continue with a flight around France.

      I trust this meets with your approval

      Kind Regards
      Kevin Riley
      Sent from my iPad

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